Passion fruit: a fruit with extensive benefits, yet under-consumed
The passion fruit, is a nutrient-rich product that is not widely consumed by the public. Specialists recommend incorporating it more into daily diets.
Regarding the plant
Regarding its cultivation, it is an easy-to-grow plant that adapts to various climates. Guillermo Cordero, a farmer from Masaca neighborhood in Loja canton, points out that it can reach up to 2 meters in height by the age of 3. It develops similarly to the granadilla, with vines that climb on other trees or surfaces, being useful even for dividing spaces in gardens or increasing privacy on properties.
The fruits ripen twice a year and have a sweet and sour flavor. Despite its multiple uses in cooking, such as in juices, ice creams, or desserts, its cultivation is limited due to the low interest of the population, reflected in its low demand in local markets.
Nutritional value
In terms of nutritional value, passion fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, according to Fabricio Criollo Vicente, a specialist in general medicine. It has been shown that its consumption can have benefits for mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression due to its antioxidant properties similar to those of the granadilla.
However, the lack of consumption of this fruit is concerning, evidenced by the waste of passion fruits in marketplaces due to the lack of demand.